
IEC 61131-3 programming languages provide a standardized approach to control programming. Simple yet powerful language constructs facilitate programming a wide variety of control systems.

Remote lectures are held online. Participants will receive an invitation to the virtual classroom via Microsoft Teams. This may require additional registration on the part of the participants.

Participants need a PC with a web browser, microphone and speakers (e.g. USB headset). A second screen and a webcam are recommended, but not mandatory. A stable Internet connection is required.

A live session is planned every day. Participants will receive exercises afterwards. A tutor will be available in the chat at agreed times. The chat provides an opportunity to share experiences with other participants. Schedule about 2-3 hours per day.

Responsibilities include

  • Use high-level textual languages.
  • Implement programs according to IEC 61131-3.
  • Program sequences for machine controls.
  • Implement enhancements in existing programs.


TM246 – 结构文本(ST)



  • 结构文本的特点和编辑器功能
  • 表达式、赋值和关键字
  • 布尔和算术运算
  • 比较运算符和决定
  • 带CASE声明的状态机
  • 调用功能和功能块
  • 调用动作
  • 指针、引用和预处理器
  • 诊断功能和调试



TM246 – 结构文本(ST)




SRL210 – Remote Lecture: Automation Studio Basics

Automation Studio is used to configure and program all B&R controller components. Core issues such as getting a clear overview of all product groups, initial commissioning of a controller, understanding the functions of the runtime environment and being familiar with the options for integrated configuration and diagnostics are decisive.

This lesson is the prerequisite for many follow-up seminars.

This remote lecture will be held online. You will receive an invitation to a virtual classroom via Microsoft Teams. This may require additional registration on the part of the participants.

Participants need a PC with web browser, a microphone and speakers (e.g. USB headset). A second screen and a webcam are recommended, but not mandatory. A stable Internet connection is required.

All exercises are performed in an Automation Runtime Simulation (ArSim). Use of an 紧凑型ETA系统 (ETAL210.1050-1 with accessories) is an advantage.

A live session is planned every day. Participants will receive exercises afterwards. A tutor will be available in the chat at agreed times. The chat provides an opportunity to share experiences with other participants. Schedule about 2-3 hours per day.

Learning objectives and content

  • B&R philosophy and products
  • Using Automation Studio
  • Using the integrated help documentation
  • Establishing an online connection to the control system
  • Initial installation of a controller
  • Project engineering for the hardware configuration
  • Working with the text and table editors
  • Functions and options in Automation RuntimeTheAutomation Runtime is the operating system that runs on all B&R controllers.
  • Configuration options in Automation Runtime
  • Runtime and startup behavior of the controller
  • Use of the integrated diagnostics options

Responsibilities include

  • Participants create projects and configure control components.
  • Participants create programs for automation applications.
  • Participants simulate processes and then put them into operation.
  • Participants perform diagnostics on control components and programs.


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B&R Online (ES)

Remote Lecture


B&R HQ: Barcelona
Camí de Can Camps, 17-19
Edif. Kibo (Vallsolana Park)
08174 Sant Cugat del Vallés


从: 09/23/2024
开始: 09:00

至: 09/24/2024
结束: 13:00

持续时间: 2 天

语言: 西班牙语