Switch it on and get started

The new Power Panel C80 offers the combined advantages of a powerful controller and a modern operator terminal in a single HMI device. Machine builders thus have full flexibility and can scale their machine to meet changing performance and cost…

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Secure libraries

The new CaeBackup/CaeRestore options for B&R's APROL process control system ensure even better security when using standardized libraries. Users can lock these libraries in the target database. This prevents unwanted changes to libraries when the…

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Görüntü işleme projelerini kolayca uygulayın

B&R, çok çeşitli görüntü işleme görevlerini kolayca ve gerçek zamanlı olarak birbirine bağlayan entegre görüntüleme sistemi portföyüne akıllı bir kamera ekliyor. Yalnızca standart akıllı kameralar kullanılarak büyük bir çaba ile uygulanabilen süreç…

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B&R among first members of new EPLAN Partner Network

As EPLAN launches its new partner network, B&R is among the first on board. Coordinated integration brings users added value in the form of more efficient engineering and faster time to market.

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ABB, Joerg Theis'i B&R’ın başkanı olarak atadı

ABB, Makine Otomasyonu bölümünün (B&R) başına Joerg Theis'i atadı. Theis, 1 Nisan 2021'den itibaren, 1 Ocak 2021'den bu yana ara dönem başkanlığını yapan Clemens Sager'den görevi devralacak.

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Fanless from -20°C to +60°C

With the Panel PC 1200, B&R introduces a compact and cost-effective all-in-one PC. Equipped with the latest Intel Atom processors and up to 256 GB of mass storage, the Panel PC 1200 is ideal for HMI applications.

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More space in the control cabinet

B&R introduces new cooling options for its ACOPOS P3 server drives. They dissipate up to 60% of generated heat into the surrounding air, allowing for a substantially more compact control cabinet design.

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Improved security during data transfer

The new APROL function enables encryption of engineering data, guaranteeing improved data security during import and export.

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Yeni bir üretim çağı

ACOPOS 6D ile B&R, üretimde yepyeni bir çağı müjdeliyor. Manyetik kaldırma, taşıyıcıların münferit ürünleri makine içinde serbestçe hareket ettirmesini sağlar.

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The future is adaptive

B&R has added Fredrik Holmberg to its business development team as an expert in the field of medical device assembly.

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Lütfen ülke ve dil seçin

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