Multitenancy for B&R cloud application

Manufacturing OEMs can now also provide data and results from Asset Performance Monitor to their customers, opening up new revenue streams.

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OPC UA over TSN implementation

B&R is introducing a real-time capable Ethernet switch. The new machine switch can be used to set up networks using the vendor-agnostic communication solution OPC UA over TSN.

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B&R products speak OPC UA over TSN

B&R is among the first manufacturers to launch a comprehensive portfolio for communication using the open, real-time capable OPC UA over TSN protocol.

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New X20 generation for the future of automation

B&R is among the first manufacturers to introduce controllers with OPC UA over TSN communication technology and Intel Apollo Lake I processors.

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Kompakt ve güçlü

B&R, motora entegre sürücü serisini kompakt iki yeni seçenekle genişletiyor. Yeni ACOPOSmotor serisi cihazlar, modüler makine ve sistemlerin geliştirilmesini kolaylaştırır.

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ACOPOStrak for washdown

B&R now offers an IP69K-rated ACOPOStrak variant. The new version of the flexible track can be pressure washed at temperatures of up to 80°C.

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More processing power for mobile machinery

B&R has added a powerful PC with an Intel processor to its portfolio for mobile equipment. The full-fledged PC with IP69K protection is specially designed for use in harsh environments.

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Performance boost through model-based control

B&R offers three new control functions for its ACOPOS P3 servo drive for more precise control performance that increases both machine productivity and speed.

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Connected efficiency

B&R at K trade fair (Hall 12 | Booth B16): Monitoring and analytics for improved machine performance. B&R will be demonstrating how analysis of operating data can help detect and prevent impending equipment failures.

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Safety comes standard

All B&R standard motors can now be used for safety applications without restrictions. The delivery times and prices of the standard motors remain the same.

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