Номер модель:

The mapp Safety "Premium" package supports all essential functions without limitation in size or SafeMOTION range of functions:

  • Support for multiple SafeDOMAINs
  • Up to 280 SafeNODEs (e.g. SafeLOGIC controllers, SafeIO modules, SafeMOTION axes, openSAFETY 3rd-party devices) per SafeDOMAIN
  • Complete SafeMOTION range of functions

All essential technology libraries and functions are included.
Only the functions listed exclusively in mapp Safety "Ultimate" are not included.
Restrictions due to general system limitations, for example due to the network or CPU performance of the products used, must be observed.

Дополнительная информация:

For more information about licensing, see mapp Safety licensing.

Сертификаты Версия (Дата) Загрузка
EULA (End User License Agreement) - AS, AR & mapp Technology PDF / 130 кБ

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