
B&R drive solutions are configured, put into operation and diagnosed in Automation Studio. Uniform software interfaces compliant with PLCopen make it easy to program and combine a variety of different drive components in the machine.

Lernziele und Inhalte

  • Components of a mechatronic drive solution
  • Configuring the B&R drive solution
  • Test environment for commissioning a drive
  • Use of diagnostic tools
  • mapp Technology concept
  • PLCopen-compliant basic functions PLCopen is a vendor-independent organization in the field of industrial control technology. They develop standards intended to increase the efficiency of application development and lower the maintenance costs of associated software. (Source:; source text translated into English) 
  • Programming axis movements in structured form
  • Simulation options
  • Creating a sample application
  • Control concept, settings and autotuning

Zu Ihren Aufgaben gehören:

  • Participants will configure electrical axes.
  • Participants will put electrical axes into operation.
  • Participants will put electrical drives into operation and complete related diagnostics.
  • Participants will create sequence programs to control axes in automation projects.

Documentos fornecidos

TM400 – Introduction to Motion Control

TM400 - Introduction to Motion Control

Learning objectives and content

  • Core aspects of a mechatronic drive solution
  • The basic requirements of a drive system
  • Electric motors
  • Position encoders
  • Inverters
  • Drive mechanics and power transmission
  • The B&R drive solution
  • Typical topologies, product overview, software access and decision-making guidelines
  • Introduction to the topic of drive sizing
  • TM400TRE.434-GER
  • TM400TRE.434-ENG
TM410 – Working with Integrated Motion Control

The entire B&R motion control product line is fully integrated in Automation Studio. The drive configuration, programming, commissioning and diagnostics can therefore all be performed using a single tool. A high-performance simulation environment extends the many functions that are available.

Objectives and content

  • Understanding drive hardware and software
  • Adding and configuring drives in Automation Studio
  • Components of the motion control system
  • Commissioning and diagnostics environment
  • Command interface
  • Parameter management
  • Recording drive data in real time
  • Determining control parameters using autotuning
  • Commissioning preparations
  • Drive and motor simulation


Model Number

TM410 – Working with Integrated Motion Control



TM440 – Motion Control: Basic Functions

PLCopen-compliant standard libraries are used to program drive functions. The included function blocks can be used for all B&R drive components.

Objectives and content

  • Introduction to the mapp technology concept
  • Using the MpAxis configuration
  • Integration in the control project
  • Switch on the controller, homing, perform base movements.
  • Overview of PLCopen standard and PLCopen state diagram
  • Overview of drive states, error evaluation and diagnostics
  • Configuration of axis factor and axis period
  • Saving and loading the drive configuration
  • Status evaluation in the application program
  • Transferring setpoint values cyclically
  • Overview of the ACP10_MC library


Model number

TM440 – Motion Control: Basic Functions



TM441 – Motion control: Electronic gears and cams

In addition to single-axis functions, the PLCopen standard also offers functions for the coordinated movement of multiple axes in an axis group. By implementing mapp technology, using them is made easier. Drive coupling can be carried out quickly with this.

Objectives and content

  • Properties of drive coupling
  • Linear coupling and dynamic phase shift
  • Creating and using electronic cam profiles
  • Parameterization and application of the MpAxisCoupling component
  • Structure and functionality of the Cam Profile Automat
  • Implementation of the Cam Profile Automat with MpAxisCamSequencer
  • Overview of the different types of compensation gearing
  • Exercises and examples


Model number

TM441 – Motion control: Electronic gears and cams




SEM210 - Automation Studio Training: Noções básicas

Automation Studio é utilizado para configurar e programar todos os componentes de controle da B&R. As questões centrais incluem a obtenção de uma visão clara de todos os grupos de produtos, comissionamento inicial do controlador, a compreensão das funções do ambiente de tempo de execução de tarefas, e conhecer as opções de configuração integrada e diagnóstico.

  • Apresentação institucional da B&R
  • Filosofia e produtos B&R
  • Trabalhando com Automation Studio
  • Usando o sistema de ajuda integrado
  • Estabelecendo conexão online com o controlador
  • Instalação inicial de um controlador
  • Desenvolvendo a configuração de hardware
  • Trabalhando com os editores de texto e tabelas
  • Funções e opções oferecidas pelo Automation RuntimeO Automation Runtime é o sistema operacional que é executado em todos os controladores B&R.
  • Opções de configuração do Automation Runtime
  • Runtime e comportamento de boot do controlador
  • Usando as opções de diagnóstico integradas
  • Visão geral das linguagens de programação disponíveis
Número do modelo


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Local do evento

B&R Online (ES)

Remote Lecture


B&R HQ: Barcelona
Camí de Can Camps, 17-19
Edif. Kibo (Vallsolana Park)
08174 Sant Cugat del Vallés

Informações adicionais

De: 09/30/2024
Início: 09:00

Para: 10/03/2024
Fim: 13:00

Duração: 4 Dias

Idioma: Espanhol