Smart Process Technology (the freely configurable technology library in the drive), which has already produced amazing results in numerous series production machines with ACOPOS servo drives by cutting production times in half through its options and reaction times in the sub-millisecond range, is also available for the ACOPOSmulti drive generation.
Here are a few applications that come up time and time again, which already rely on Smart Process Technology:
Positioning paired with smart torque control
In many applications, mechanical processes are replaced with fine, adaptive electronic processes. This can be illustrated with the processes used when closing drink bottles or welding small parts. All of these procedures have something in common; optimal control and coordination of position and torque is crucial for reproducibility and therefore the quality of the product.
Smart drum sequencer
In addition to its qualities as all-around talent, this drum sequencer also runs in the sub-millisecond range, thereby allowing exceptional process speeds at identical quality.