This seminar explains the basics of ACOPOStrak, dimensioning and diagnostics, commissioning and mechanical design. Numerous simulation exercises make it easier to understand the ACOPOStrak software concept.
- Basics of LLM technology and detailed information about ACOPOStrak
- The differences between ACOPOStrak and SuperTrak
- Overview of the mechanical components and technical documentation
- Software concept behind ACOPOStrak
- Logical components and simulation possibilities
- Creating a configuration
- Overview of available function blocks
- Executing various movements in the simulation
- Basics of process stations and process-oriented programming
- Couplings between shuttles and also to external axes
- Dimensioning a track
Verstrekte trainingsdocumenten
TM1415 – Dimensionierung und Programmierung für ACOPOStrak
TM1415 – ACOPOStrak dimensioning and programming
Learning objectives and content
- Creating a layout and dimensioning a network
- Initial project with ACOPOStrak
- ACOPOStrak electrical dimensioning
- Access to user data with process points
- Modular application using process stations
- Types of movements
- Process points as a barrier
- ACOPOStrak couplings
- Interlinking
TM1423 – Assembly, commissioning and diagnostics for ACOPOStrak
TM1423 – Assembly, commissioning and diagnostics of ACOPOStrak
Learning objectives and content
- Mechanics of ACOPOStrak
- Documentation and user's manual
- Layout sketch and relevant mechanical structure
- Commissioning ACOPOStrak systems
- Diagnostics of ACOPOStrak
- Service intervals
- Maintenance and segment replacement
SEM210 – Automation Studio Training: Basics
Automation Studio is used to configure and program all B&R controller components. Core issues such as getting a clear overview of all product groups, initial commissioning of a controller, understanding the functions of the runtime environment and being familiar with the options for integrated configuration and diagnostics are decisive.
Learning objectives and content
- B&R company presentation
- B&R philosophy and products
- Using Automation Studio
- Using the integrated help documentation
- Establishing an online connection to the control system
- Initial installation of a controller
- Project engineering for the hardware configuration
- Working with the text and table editors
- Functions and configuration options in Automation RuntimeAutomation Runtime is the operating system that runs on all B&R controllers
- Runtime and startup behavior of the controller
- Use of the integrated diagnostics options
- Overview of available programming languages
Documents provided
SEM415.3 - Training Geïntegreerde motion control: mapp Axis
De B&R-aandrijfoplossing biedt flexibele, krachtige hulpmiddelen voor het aansturen van drives. Deze oplossingen worden geconfigureerd, in gebruik genomen en gediagnosticeerd met behulp van Automation Studio.
Er zijn verschillende aandrijfcomponenten en -functies beschikbaar.
Dankzij het gebruik van PLCopen-compatibele mapp Motion-componenten worden ze naadloos geïntegreerd in de machinetoepassing.
- Het concept achter de B&R-aandrijfoplossing
- Bedrading en diagnose
- Begeleiding in Automation Help
- Testomgevingen en inbedrijfstelling
- Controleconcepten en autotuning
- Simulatie-opties voor een drive
- Voorbereiding van informatie voor ondersteuningsaanvragen
- Navigeren Automation Help
- mapp Technologie - Motion control: Basisfuncties
- Motion control: Basisfuncties - PLCopen
- Bewegingssequenties programmeren
- PLCopen-toestandsdiagram
- Foutafhandeling in de applicatie
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61-129 Poznań
B&R HQ: Poznań
ul. Małachowskiego 10
61-129 Poznań
+48 / 61 8460 - 500
Aanvullende informatie
Van: 25-03-2025
Start: 09:00
Tot: 26-03-2025
Einde: 16:00
2 Dagen
Taal: Pools