Sistema di azionamento con motore integrato
L'ACOPOSmulti è sempre stato un sistema di azionamento estremamente modulare e il logico passo successivo è stato unire l'inverter con il motore per creare i moduli ACOPOSmotor 8DI in grado di fornire potenza direttamente dove serve. Ciò consente di trasformare i moduli configurabili in dispositivi meccatronici facili da collegare, nonché di ridurre i tempi di consegna, di liberare preziosa superficie utile e di semplificare la messa in servizio.
8DI3 (size 3; integrated servo drive)
8DI4 (size 4; integrated servo drive)
8DI5 (size 5; integrated servo drive)
Compact and safe
ACOPOSmotor modules combine the following important components in a compact unit:
- The servo drive including optional safety technology
- The servo motor as a power converter
- The built-in position sensor
- The choice of an optional gearbox
The ACOPOSmotor module delivers maximum performance by using the latest technology for power devices with minimal power loss as well as a motor series that is optimized for this application.
With three different sizes, a torque range of 1.2 to 10 Nm and a power range of 550 W to 2.3 kW, ACOPOSmotor modules cover the entire spectrum. For applications that demand more power, an optional fan component can be added at any time to boost performance considerably.
Decentralized and flexible
In terms of topology, the ACOPOSmotor module can be employed in a simple line or tree structure. In a line structure, the node number is assigned automatically, However, this can be done without opening the housing if an address setting is required.
The connection to the drive group is made using a hybrid connector. It contains all power and signal lines relevant to the operation of the ACOPOSmotor module as well as the POWERLINK network.
Highly effective IP65 protection allows direct mounting of ACOPOSmotor modules on the machine. The control cabinet then only has to contain the power supply, high-powered inverter modules and other necessary electromechanical components. This makes it much easier to implement modular machine architectures and optional machine functions since they can be easily connected – with the requisite dimensioning of the power supply – to the machine's main line using hybrid cables.
Also ideal for modular machine engineering is the possibility to connect X67 modules directly to ACOPOSmotor modules. This paves the way for implementing machine modules as self-sufficient finished and testable production units.
Integrated safety
In addition to the proven wired safety functions STO (Safe Torque Off) and SS1 (Safe Operational Stop 1), a network-based ACOPOSmotor module variant will also be available in the future as an option. This will allow users to access the following functions that have already been certified for ACOPOSmulti: STO, SOS, SS1, SS2, SLS, SMS, SLI, and SDI. The interesting thing about this is that safety functions can be individually selected as needed. In contrast, wired variants only allow both STO and SS1 safety functions to be selected.
Homogeneous and compatible
The ACOPOSmotor module offers the well-known functionality of the ACOPOSmulti drive family and can therefore be integrated homogeneously into a drive solution.