
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement * 07/04/2023 1 MB EXE AS4_HW_4PPC70.0573-21W.exe
Description V4.1 HW Upgrade (4PPC70.0573-21W)

Revision information 4PPC70.0573-21W


ID: 766865 / Support ID: 400309596
POWERLINK Manager Type 3 und 4
If a CN with the parameter NMTCNSoC2PReq set was operated in a network withPOWERLINK Manager type 3 and 4, this could lead to the error "20803 POWERLINK: A fatal error has occurred" if network disturbances occurred.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(24), 1\58546a0.epl(143)


ID: 737310
Potential communication problem on PCIe interface
The module has the theoretical risk of an PCIe communication problem. This risk has been completely removed.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(23), 1\58546a0.epl(142)


ID: 729990
Removal of an inadmissible entry in the HWX
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 718085 / Support ID:400303836
Extended diagnostic for miminal latency input stations
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 696010
Support data point StorageWear, wear level of storage medium starting fromAR A4.90
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed:No

ID: 696035
Support for automatic DNA configuration from AS 4.9.1
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 662805
Wrong filter limitation for AR 4.09
Correction of wrong AR limitation to K4.08 -> was K4.09
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed:Yes
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 499210 / Support ID: 400198019
Extension of the HWX File
implementation of the touchbutton for the touch rest area
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 573380
Correction of the button coordinates in the hwx file
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 635685
Update Powerlink Firmware
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 446600
synchronized reset signal of the CAN controller
Channeldescription changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 473870 / Support ID: 400182381
Correction of AS minimalversion
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 481595
Additional info data points FirmwareVersion and HardwareVariant
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(128)


ID: 424805
POWERLINK V2: "Controlled node" mode
After a POWERLINK manager failed, the controlled node sometimes registered withan incorrect NMT status in the ident response.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424810
Support of Poll Response Chaining on iCN
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424815
POWERLINK V2: "Controlled node" mode
In networks with heavy SoC jitter, the dropping out of an SoC sometimes caused a permanent freezing of the input data on the controlled node.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424820
Support Bonding feature
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 447500 / Support ID: 400154848
IP packets with multicast addresses not received by the POWERLINK interface
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(4), 1\58717_0.pci(4), 1\58547_0.pci(4), 1\58718_0.pci(4), 1\58548_0.pci(4), 1\58719_0.pci(4), 1\58549_0.pci(4), 1\58720_0.pci(4),1\58725_0.pci(4), 1\58721_0.pci(4), 1\58726_0.pci(4), 1\58722_0.pci(4), 1\58727_0.pci(4), 1\58723_0.pci(4), 1\58728_0.pci(4), 1\58724_0.pci(4), 1\58733_0.pci(4), 1\58729_0.pci(4), 1\58734_0.pci(4), 1\58730_0.pci(4), 1\58735_0.pci(4),1\58731_0.pci(4), 1\58736_0.pci(4), 1\58732_0.pci(4), 1\58741_0.pci(4), 1\58737_0.pci(4), 1\58742_0.pci(4), 1\58738_0.pci(4), 1\58743_0.pci(4), 1\58739_0.pci(4), 1\58744_0.pci(4), 1\58740_0.pci(4), 1\58749_0.pci(4), 1\58745_0.pci(4),1\58750_0.pci(4), 1\58746_0.pci(4), 1\58751_0.pci(4), 1\58747_0.pci(4), 1\58752_0.pci(4), 1\58748_0.pci(4), 1\58757_0.pci(4), 1\58753_0.pci(4), 1\58758_0.pci(4), 1\58754_0.pci(4), 1\58759_0.pci(4), 1\58755_0.pci(4), 1\58760_0.pci(4),1\58756_0.pci(4), 1\58546a0.epl(128), 1\58717a0.epl(128),1\58547a0.epl(128), 1\58718a0.epl(128), 1\58548a0.epl(128), 1\58719a0.epl(128), 1\58549a0.epl(128), 1\58720a0.epl(128), 1\58725a0.epl(128), 1\58721a0.epl(128), 1\58726a0.epl(128), 1\58722a0.epl(128), 1\58727a0.epl(128), 1\58723a0.epl(128), 1\58728a0.epl(128), 1\58724a0.epl(128), 1\58733a0.epl(128), 1\58729a0.epl(128), 1\58734a0.epl(128), 1\58730a0.epl(128), 1\58735a0.epl(128), 1\58731a0.epl(128), 1\58736a0.epl(128), 1\58732a0.epl(128), 1\58741a0.epl(128), 1\58737a0.epl(128), 1\58742a0.epl(128), 1\58738a0.epl(128), 1\58743a0.epl(128), 1\58739a0.epl(128), 1\58744a0.epl(128), 1\58740a0.epl(128), 1\58749a0.epl(128), 1\58745a0.epl(128), 1\58750a0.epl(128), 1\58746a0.epl(128), 1\58751a0.epl(128), 1\58747a0.epl(128), 1\58752a0.epl(128), 1\58748a0.epl(128), 1\58757a0.epl(128),1\58753a0.epl(128), 1\58758a0.epl(128), 1\58754a0.epl(128), 1\58759a0.epl(128), 1\58755a0.epl(128),1\58760a0.epl(128), 1\58756a0.epl(128)


ID: 376560
Support AS4
Channel description changed:Yes
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(4), 1\58546a0.epl(123)
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement * 09/03/2022 993 KB EXE AS4_HW_4PPC70.0573-21W.exe
Description V4.1 HW Upgrade (4PPC70.0573-21W)

Revision information 4PPC70.0573-21W.0573-20B


ID: 737310
Potential communication problem on PCIe interface
The module has the theoretical risk of an PCIe communication problem. This risk has been completely removed.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(23), 1\58546a0.epl(142)


ID: 729990
Removal of an inadmissible entry in the HWX
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 718085 / Support ID: 400303836
Extended diagnostic for miminal latency input stations
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmwarechanged: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 696010
Support data point StorageWear, wear level of storage medium starting fromAR A4.90
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 696035
Support for automatic DNA configuration from AS 4.9.1
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 662805
Wrong filter limitation for AR 4.09
Correction of wrong AR limitation to K4.08 -> was K4.09
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 499210 / Support ID: 400198019
Extension of the HWX File
implementation of the touchbutton for the touch rest area
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 573380
Correction of the button coordinates in the hwx file
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 635685
Update Powerlink Firmware
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 446600
synchronized reset signal of the CAN controller
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 473870 / Support ID: 400182381
Correction of AS minimalversion
Channel description changed: No
Configuration descriptionchanged: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 481595
Additional info data points FirmwareVersion and HardwareVariant
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(128)


ID: 424805
POWERLINK V2: "Controlled node" mode
After a POWERLINK manager failed, the controlled node sometimes registered with an incorrect NMT status in the ident response.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424810
Support of Poll Response Chaining on iCN
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424815
POWERLINK V2: "Controlled node" mode
In networks with heavy SoC jitter, the dropping out of an SoC sometimes caused a permanent freezing of the input data on the controlled node.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424820
Support Bonding feature
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 447500 / Support ID: 400154848
IP packets with multicast addresses not received by the POWERLINK interface
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(4), 1\58717_0.pci(4), 1\58547_0.pci(4), 1\58718_0.pci(4), 1\58548_0.pci(4), 1\58719_0.pci(4), 1\58549_0.pci(4), 1\58720_0.pci(4),1\58725_0.pci(4), 1\58721_0.pci(4), 1\58726_0.pci(4), 1\58722_0.pci(4), 1\58727_0.pci(4), 1\58723_0.pci(4), 1\58728_0.pci(4), 1\58724_0.pci(4), 1\58733_0.pci(4), 1\58729_0.pci(4), 1\58734_0.pci(4), 1\58730_0.pci(4), 1\58735_0.pci(4),1\58731_0.pci(4), 1\58736_0.pci(4), 1\58732_0.pci(4), 1\58741_0.pci(4), 1\58737_0.pci(4), 1\58742_0.pci(4), 1\58738_0.pci(4), 1\58743_0.pci(4), 1\58739_0.pci(4), 1\58744_0.pci(4), 1\58740_0.pci(4), 1\58749_0.pci(4), 1\58745_0.pci(4),1\58750_0.pci(4), 1\58746_0.pci(4), 1\58751_0.pci(4), 1\58747_0.pci(4), 1\58752_0.pci(4), 1\58748_0.pci(4), 1\58757_0.pci(4), 1\58753_0.pci(4), 1\58758_0.pci(4), 1\58754_0.pci(4), 1\58759_0.pci(4), 1\58755_0.pci(4), 1\58760_0.pci(4),1\58756_0.pci(4), 1\58546a0.epl(128), 1\58717a0.epl(128), 1\58547a0.epl(128),1\58718a0.epl(128), 1\58548a0.epl(128), 1\58719a0.epl(128), 1\58549a0.epl(128), 1\58720a0.epl(128), 1\58725a0.epl(128), 1\58721a0.epl(128), 1\58726a0.epl(128), 1\58722a0.epl(128), 1\58727a0.epl(128), 1\58723a0.epl(128), 1\58728a0.epl(128), 1\58724a0.epl(128), 1\58733a0.epl(128), 1\58729a0.epl(128), 1\58734a0.epl(128), 1\58730a0.epl(128), 1\58735a0.epl(128), 1\58731a0.epl(128), 1\58736a0.epl(128), 1\58732a0.epl(128), 1\58741a0.epl(128), 1\58737a0.epl(128), 1\58742a0.epl(128), 1\58738a0.epl(128), 1\58743a0.epl(128), 1\58739a0.epl(128), 1\58744a0.epl(128), 1\58740a0.epl(128), 1\58749a0.epl(128), 1\58745a0.epl(128), 1\58750a0.epl(128), 1\58746a0.epl(128), 1\58751a0.epl(128), 1\58747a0.epl(128), 1\58752a0.epl(128), 1\58748a0.epl(128), 1\58757a0.epl(128), 1\58753a0.epl(128),1\58758a0.epl(128), 1\58754a0.epl(128), 1\58759a0.epl(128), 1\58755a0.epl(128), 1\58760a0.epl(128), 1\58756a0.epl(128)


ID: 376560
Support AS4
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(4), 1\58546a0.epl(123)
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement * 24/06/2021 978 KB EXE AS4_HW_4PPC70.0573-21W.exe
Description V4.1 HW Upgrade (4PPC70.0573-21W)

Revision information 4PPC70.0573-21W.0573-20B


ID: 729990
Removal of an inadmissible entry in the HWX
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 718085 / Support ID: 400303836
Extended diagnostic for miminal latency input stations
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed:No
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 696010
Support data point StorageWear, wear level of storage medium starting fromAR A4.90
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 696035
Support for automatic DNA configuration from AS 4.9.1
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 662805
Wrong filterlimitation for AR 4.09
Correction of wrong AR limitation to K4.08 -> was K4.09
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 499210 / Support ID: 400198019
Extension of the HWX File
implementation of the touchbutton for the touch rest area
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 573380
Correction of the button coordinates in the hwx file
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 635685
Update Powerlink Firmware
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 446600
synchronized reset signal of the CAN controller
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 473870 / Support ID: 400182381
Correction of AS minimalversion
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 481595
Additional info data points FirmwareVersion and HardwareVariant
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(128)


ID: 424805
POWERLINK V2: "Controlled node" mode
After a POWERLINK manager failed, the controlled node sometimes registered with an incorrect NMT status in the ident response.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424810
Support of Poll Response Chaining on iCN
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424815
POWERLINK V2: "Controlled node" mode
In networks with heavy SoC jitter, the dropping out of an SoC sometimes caused a permanent freezing of the input data on the controlled node.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424820
Support Bonding feature
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 447500 / Support ID: 400154848
IP packets with multicast addresses not received by the POWERLINK interface
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(4), 1\58717_0.pci(4), 1\58547_0.pci(4), 1\58718_0.pci(4), 1\58548_0.pci(4), 1\58719_0.pci(4), 1\58549_0.pci(4), 1\58720_0.pci(4),1\58725_0.pci(4), 1\58721_0.pci(4), 1\58726_0.pci(4), 1\58722_0.pci(4), 1\58727_0.pci(4), 1\58723_0.pci(4), 1\58728_0.pci(4), 1\58724_0.pci(4), 1\58733_0.pci(4), 1\58729_0.pci(4), 1\58734_0.pci(4), 1\58730_0.pci(4), 1\58735_0.pci(4),1\58731_0.pci(4), 1\58736_0.pci(4), 1\58732_0.pci(4), 1\58741_0.pci(4), 1\58737_0.pci(4), 1\58742_0.pci(4), 1\58738_0.pci(4), 1\58743_0.pci(4), 1\58739_0.pci(4), 1\58744_0.pci(4), 1\58740_0.pci(4), 1\58749_0.pci(4), 1\58745_0.pci(4),1\58750_0.pci(4), 1\58746_0.pci(4), 1\58751_0.pci(4), 1\58747_0.pci(4), 1\58752_0.pci(4), 1\58748_0.pci(4), 1\58757_0.pci(4), 1\58753_0.pci(4), 1\58758_0.pci(4), 1\58754_0.pci(4), 1\58759_0.pci(4), 1\58755_0.pci(4), 1\58760_0.pci(4),1\58756_0.pci(4), 1\58546a0.epl(128), 1\58717a0.epl(128), 1\58547a0.epl(128),1\58718a0.epl(128), 1\58548a0.epl(128), 1\58719a0.epl(128), 1\58549a0.epl(128), 1\58720a0.epl(128), 1\58725a0.epl(128), 1\58721a0.epl(128), 1\58726a0.epl(128), 1\58722a0.epl(128), 1\58727a0.epl(128), 1\58723a0.epl(128), 1\58728a0.epl(128), 1\58724a0.epl(128), 1\58733a0.epl(128), 1\58729a0.epl(128), 1\58734a0.epl(128), 1\58730a0.epl(128), 1\58735a0.epl(128), 1\58731a0.epl(128), 1\58736a0.epl(128), 1\58732a0.epl(128), 1\58741a0.epl(128),1\58737a0.epl(128), 1\58742a0.epl(128), 1\58738a0.epl(128), 1\58743a0.epl(128), 1\58739a0.epl(128), 1\58744a0.epl(128), 1\58740a0.epl(128), 1\58749a0.epl(128), 1\58745a0.epl(128), 1\58750a0.epl(128), 1\58746a0.epl(128), 1\58751a0.epl(128), 1\58747a0.epl(128), 1\58752a0.epl(128), 1\58748a0.epl(128), 1\58757a0.epl(128), 1\58753a0.epl(128), 1\58758a0.epl(128), 1\58754a0.epl(128), 1\58759a0.epl(128), 1\58755a0.epl(128), 1\58760a0.epl(128), 1\58756a0.epl(128)


ID: 376560
Support AS4
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(4), 1\58546a0.epl(123)
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement * 10/03/2021 975 KB EXE AS4_HW_4PPC70.0573-21W.exe
Description V4.1 HW Upgrade (4PPC70.0573-21W)

Revision information 4PPC70.0573-21W.0573-20B


ID: 718085 / Support ID: 400303836
Extended diagnostic for miminal latency input stations
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 696010
Support data point StorageWear, wear level of storage medium starting fromAR A4.90
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 696035
Support for automatic DNA configuration from AS 4.9.1
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 662805
Wrong filter limitation for AR 4.09
Correction of wrong AR limitation to K4.08 -> was K4.09
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 499210 / Support ID: 400198019
Extension of the HWX File
implementation of the touchbutton for the touch rest area
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 573380
Correction of the button coordinates in the hwx file
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 635685
Update Powerlink Firmware
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 446600
synchronized reset signal of the CAN controller
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 473870 / Support ID: 400182381
Correction of AS minimalversion
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 481595
Additional info data points FirmwareVersion and HardwareVariant
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(128)


ID: 424805
POWERLINK V2: "Controlled node" mode
After a POWERLINK manager failed, the controlled node sometimes registered with an incorrect NMT status in the ident response.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

Support of Poll Response Chaining on iCN
Channel descriptionchanged: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed:Yes

ID: 424815
POWERLINK V2: "Controlled node" mode
In networks with heavy SoC jitter, the dropping out of an SoC sometimes caused a permanent freezing of the input data on the controlled node.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424820
Support Bonding feature
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 447500 / Support ID: 400154848
IP packets with multicast addresses not received by the POWERLINK interface
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(4), 1\58717_0.pci(4), 1\58547_0.pci(4), 1\58718_0.pci(4), 1\58548_0.pci(4), 1\58719_0.pci(4), 1\58549_0.pci(4), 1\58720_0.pci(4),1\58725_0.pci(4), 1\58721_0.pci(4), 1\58726_0.pci(4), 1\58722_0.pci(4), 1\58727_0.pci(4), 1\58723_0.pci(4), 1\58728_0.pci(4), 1\58724_0.pci(4), 1\58733_0.pci(4), 1\58729_0.pci(4), 1\58734_0.pci(4), 1\58730_0.pci(4), 1\58735_0.pci(4),1\58731_0.pci(4), 1\58736_0.pci(4), 1\58732_0.pci(4), 1\58741_0.pci(4), 1\58737_0.pci(4), 1\58742_0.pci(4), 1\58738_0.pci(4), 1\58743_0.pci(4), 1\58739_0.pci(4), 1\58744_0.pci(4), 1\58740_0.pci(4), 1\58749_0.pci(4), 1\58745_0.pci(4),1\58750_0.pci(4), 1\58746_0.pci(4), 1\58751_0.pci(4), 1\58747_0.pci(4), 1\58752_0.pci(4), 1\58748_0.pci(4), 1\58757_0.pci(4), 1\58753_0.pci(4), 1\58758_0.pci(4), 1\58754_0.pci(4), 1\58759_0.pci(4), 1\58755_0.pci(4), 1\58760_0.pci(4),1\58756_0.pci(4), 1\58546a0.epl(128), 1\58717a0.epl(128), 1\58547a0.epl(128),1\58718a0.epl(128), 1\58548a0.epl(128), 1\58719a0.epl(128), 1\58549a0.epl(128), 1\58720a0.epl(128), 1\58725a0.epl(128), 1\58721a0.epl(128), 1\58726a0.epl(128), 1\58722a0.epl(128), 1\58727a0.epl(128), 1\58723a0.epl(128), 1\58728a0.epl(128), 1\58724a0.epl(128), 1\58733a0.epl(128), 1\58729a0.epl(128), 1\58734a0.epl(128), 1\58730a0.epl(128), 1\58735a0.epl(128), 1\58731a0.epl(128), 1\58736a0.epl(128), 1\58732a0.epl(128), 1\58741a0.epl(128), 1\58737a0.epl(128), 1\58742a0.epl(128), 1\58738a0.epl(128), 1\58743a0.epl(128), 1\58739a0.epl(128), 1\58744a0.epl(128), 1\58740a0.epl(128), 1\58749a0.epl(128), 1\58745a0.epl(128), 1\58750a0.epl(128), 1\58746a0.epl(128), 1\58751a0.epl(128), 1\58747a0.epl(128), 1\58752a0.epl(128), 1\58748a0.epl(128), 1\58757a0.epl(128), 1\58753a0.epl(128),1\58758a0.epl(128), 1\58754a0.epl(128), 1\58759a0.epl(128), 1\58755a0.epl(128), 1\58760a0.epl(128), 1\58756a0.epl(128)


ID: 376560
Support AS4
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(4), 1\58546a0.epl(123)
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement * 10/09/2020 975 KB EXE AS4_HW_4PPC70.0573-21W.exe
Description V4.1 HW Upgrade (4PPC70.0573-21W)

Revision information 4PPC70.0573-20B


ID: 696010
Support data point StorageWear, wear level of storage medium starting fromAR A4.90
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 696035
Support for automatic DNA configuration from AS 4.9.1
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 662805
Wrong filter limitation for AR 4.09
Correction of wrong AR limitation to K4.08 -> was K4.09
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 499210 / Support ID: 400198019
Extension of the HWX File
implementation of the touchbutton for the touch rest area
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 573380
Correction of the button coordinates in the hwx file
Channel description changed:No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 635685
Update Powerlink Firmware
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(138)


ID: 446600
synchronized reset signal of the CAN controller
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 473870 / Support ID: 400182381
Correction of AS minimalversion
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 481595
Additional info data points FirmwareVersion and HardwareVariant
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(128)


ID: 424805
POWERLINK V2: "Controlled node" mode
After a POWERLINK manager failed, the controlled node sometimes registered with an incorrect NMT status in the ident response.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424810
Support of Poll Response Chaining on iCN
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424815
POWERLINK V2: "Controlled node" mode
In networks with heavy SoC jitter, the dropping out of an SoC sometimes caused a permanent freezing of the input data on the controlled node.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424820
Support Bonding feature
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 447500 / Support ID: 400154848
IP packets with multicast addresses not received by the POWERLINK interface
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(4), 1\58717_0.pci(4), 1\58547_0.pci(4), 1\58718_0.pci(4), 1\58548_0.pci(4), 1\58719_0.pci(4), 1\58549_0.pci(4), 1\58720_0.pci(4),1\58725_0.pci(4), 1\58721_0.pci(4), 1\58726_0.pci(4),1\58722_0.pci(4), 1\58727_0.pci(4), 1\58723_0.pci(4), 1\58728_0.pci(4), 1\58724_0.pci(4), 1\58733_0.pci(4), 1\58729_0.pci(4), 1\58734_0.pci(4), 1\58730_0.pci(4), 1\58735_0.pci(4), 1\58731_0.pci(4), 1\58736_0.pci(4), 1\58732_0.pci(4),1\58741_0.pci(4), 1\58737_0.pci(4), 1\58742_0.pci(4), 1\58738_0.pci(4), 1\58743_0.pci(4), 1\58739_0.pci(4), 1\58744_0.pci(4), 1\58740_0.pci(4), 1\58749_0.pci(4), 1\58745_0.pci(4), 1\58750_0.pci(4), 1\58746_0.pci(4), 1\58751_0.pci(4),1\58747_0.pci(4), 1\58752_0.pci(4), 1\58748_0.pci(4), 1\58757_0.pci(4), 1\58753_0.pci(4), 1\58758_0.pci(4), 1\58754_0.pci(4), 1\58759_0.pci(4), 1\58755_0.pci(4), 1\58760_0.pci(4), 1\58756_0.pci(4), 1\58546a0.epl(128), 1\58717a0.epl(128), 1\58547a0.epl(128), 1\58718a0.epl(128), 1\58548a0.epl(128), 1\58719a0.epl(128), 1\58549a0.epl(128), 1\58720a0.epl(128), 1\58725a0.epl(128), 1\58721a0.epl(128), 1\58726a0.epl(128), 1\58722a0.epl(128), 1\58727a0.epl(128), 1\58723a0.epl(128), 1\58728a0.epl(128), 1\58724a0.epl(128), 1\58733a0.epl(128), 1\58729a0.epl(128), 1\58734a0.epl(128), 1\58730a0.epl(128), 1\58735a0.epl(128), 1\58731a0.epl(128), 1\58736a0.epl(128), 1\58732a0.epl(128), 1\58741a0.epl(128), 1\58737a0.epl(128), 1\58742a0.epl(128), 1\58738a0.epl(128), 1\58743a0.epl(128), 1\58739a0.epl(128), 1\58744a0.epl(128), 1\58740a0.epl(128), 1\58749a0.epl(128),1\58745a0.epl(128), 1\58750a0.epl(128), 1\58746a0.epl(128), 1\58751a0.epl(128), 1\58747a0.epl(128), 1\58752a0.epl(128), 1\58748a0.epl(128), 1\58757a0.epl(128), 1\58753a0.epl(128), 1\58758a0.epl(128), 1\58754a0.epl(128), 1\58759a0.epl(128), 1\58755a0.epl(128), 1\58760a0.epl(128), 1\58756a0.epl(128)


ID: 376560
Support AS4
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(4), 1\58546a0.epl(123)
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement * 08/05/2019 931 KB EXE AS4_HW_4PPC70.0573-21W.exe
Description V4.1 HW Upgrade (4PPC70.0573-21W)

Revision information 4PPC70.0573-21B


ID: 636580
Correction of the button coordinates in the hwx file
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 636585 / Support ID: 400198019
Extension of the HWX File
implementation of the touchbutton for the touch rest area
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 636590
Update Powerlink Firmware
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58547_0.pci(16), 1\58547_1.pci(22), 1\58547a0.epl(138)


ID: 446600
synchronized reset signal of the CAN controller
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed:No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 473870 / Support ID: 400182381
Correction of AS minimalversion
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 481595
Additional info data points FirmwareVersion and HardwareVariant
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58547_0.pci(16), 1\58547a0.epl(128)


ID: 424805
POWERLINK V2: "Controlled node" mode
After a POWERLINK manager failed, the controlled node sometimes registered with an incorrect NMT status in the ident response.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424810
Support of Poll Response Chaining on iCN
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424815
POWERLINK V2: "Controlled node" mode
In networks with heavy SoC jitter, the dropping out of an SoC sometimes caused a permanent freezing of the input data on the controlled node.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424820
Support Bonding feature
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 447500 / Support ID: 400154848
IP packets with multicast addresses not received by the POWERLINK interface
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(4), 1\58717_0.pci(4), 1\58547_0.pci(4), 1\58718_0.pci(4), 1\58548_0.pci(4), 1\58719_0.pci(4), 1\58549_0.pci(4), 1\58720_0.pci(4),1\58725_0.pci(4), 1\58721_0.pci(4), 1\58726_0.pci(4), 1\58722_0.pci(4), 1\58727_0.pci(4), 1\58723_0.pci(4), 1\58728_0.pci(4), 1\58724_0.pci(4), 1\58733_0.pci(4), 1\58729_0.pci(4), 1\58734_0.pci(4), 1\58730_0.pci(4), 1\58735_0.pci(4),1\58731_0.pci(4), 1\58736_0.pci(4), 1\58732_0.pci(4), 1\58741_0.pci(4), 1\58737_0.pci(4), 1\58742_0.pci(4), 1\58738_0.pci(4), 1\58743_0.pci(4), 1\58739_0.pci(4), 1\58744_0.pci(4), 1\58740_0.pci(4), 1\58749_0.pci(4), 1\58745_0.pci(4),1\58750_0.pci(4), 1\58746_0.pci(4), 1\58751_0.pci(4), 1\58747_0.pci(4), 1\58752_0.pci(4), 1\58748_0.pci(4), 1\58757_0.pci(4), 1\58753_0.pci(4), 1\58758_0.pci(4), 1\58754_0.pci(4), 1\58759_0.pci(4), 1\58755_0.pci(4), 1\58760_0.pci(4),1\58756_0.pci(4), 1\58546a0.epl(128), 1\58717a0.epl(128), 1\58547a0.epl(128),1\58718a0.epl(128), 1\58548a0.epl(128), 1\58719a0.epl(128), 1\58549a0.epl(128), 1\58720a0.epl(128), 1\58725a0.epl(128), 1\58721a0.epl(128), 1\58726a0.epl(128), 1\58722a0.epl(128), 1\58727a0.epl(128),1\58723a0.epl(128), 1\58728a0.epl(128), 1\58724a0.epl(128), 1\58733a0.epl(128), 1\58729a0.epl(128), 1\58734a0.epl(128), 1\58730a0.epl(128), 1\58735a0.epl(128), 1\58731a0.epl(128), 1\58736a0.epl(128), 1\58732a0.epl(128), 1\58741a0.epl(128), 1\58737a0.epl(128), 1\58742a0.epl(128), 1\58738a0.epl(128), 1\58743a0.epl(128), 1\58739a0.epl(128), 1\58744a0.epl(128), 1\58740a0.epl(128), 1\58749a0.epl(128), 1\58745a0.epl(128), 1\58750a0.epl(128), 1\58746a0.epl(128), 1\58751a0.epl(128), 1\58747a0.epl(128), 1\58752a0.epl(128), 1\58748a0.epl(128), 1\58757a0.epl(128), 1\58753a0.epl(128), 1\58758a0.epl(128), 1\58754a0.epl(128), 1\58759a0.epl(128), 1\58755a0.epl(128), 1\58760a0.epl(128), 1\58756a0.epl(128)


ID: 385235
Support AS4
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58547_0.pci(4), 1\58547a0.epl(123)
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement * 09/06/2016 790 KB EXE AS4_HW_4PPC70.0573-21W.exe
Description V4.1 HW Upgrade (4PPC70.0573-21W)

Revision information 4PPC70.0573-20B


ID: 446600
synchronized reset signal ofthe CAN controller
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 473870 / SupportID: 400182381
Correction of AS minimalversion
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 481595
Additional info data points FirmwareVersion and HardwareVariant
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(16), 1\58546a0.epl(128)


ID: 424805
POWERLINK V2: "Controlled node" mode
After a POWERLINK manager failed, the controlled node sometimes registered with an incorrect NMT status in the ident response.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed:No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424810
Support of Poll Response Chaining on iCN
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424815
POWERLINK V2: "Controlled node" mode
In networks with heavy SoC jitter, the dropping out of an SoC sometimes caused a permanent freezing of the input data on the controlled node.
Channel description changed: No
Configurationdescription changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 424820
Support Bonding feature
Channel description changed: No
Configurationdescription changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 447500 / Support ID: 400154848
IP packets with multicast addresses not received by thePOWERLINK interface
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(4), 1\58717_0.pci(4), 1\58547_0.pci(4), 1\58718_0.pci(4), 1\58548_0.pci(4), 1\58719_0.pci(4), 1\58549_0.pci(4), 1\58720_0.pci(4),1\58725_0.pci(4), 1\58721_0.pci(4), 1\58726_0.pci(4), 1\58722_0.pci(4), 1\58727_0.pci(4), 1\58723_0.pci(4), 1\58728_0.pci(4), 1\58724_0.pci(4), 1\58733_0.pci(4), 1\58729_0.pci(4), 1\58734_0.pci(4), 1\58730_0.pci(4), 1\58735_0.pci(4),1\58731_0.pci(4), 1\58736_0.pci(4), 1\58732_0.pci(4), 1\58741_0.pci(4), 1\58737_0.pci(4), 1\58742_0.pci(4), 1\58738_0.pci(4), 1\58743_0.pci(4), 1\58739_0.pci(4), 1\58744_0.pci(4), 1\58740_0.pci(4), 1\58749_0.pci(4), 1\58745_0.pci(4),1\58750_0.pci(4), 1\58746_0.pci(4), 1\58751_0.pci(4), 1\58747_0.pci(4), 1\58752_0.pci(4), 1\58748_0.pci(4), 1\58757_0.pci(4), 1\58753_0.pci(4), 1\58758_0.pci(4), 1\58754_0.pci(4), 1\58759_0.pci(4), 1\58755_0.pci(4), 1\58760_0.pci(4),1\58756_0.pci(4), 1\58546a0.epl(128), 1\58717a0.epl(128), 1\58547a0.epl(128),1\58718a0.epl(128), 1\58548a0.epl(128), 1\58719a0.epl(128), 1\58549a0.epl(128), 1\58720a0.epl(128), 1\58725a0.epl(128), 1\58721a0.epl(128), 1\58726a0.epl(128), 1\58722a0.epl(128), 1\58727a0.epl(128), 1\58723a0.epl(128), 1\58728a0.epl(128), 1\58724a0.epl(128),1\58733a0.epl(128), 1\58729a0.epl(128), 1\58734a0.epl(128), 1\58730a0.epl(128), 1\58735a0.epl(128), 1\58731a0.epl(128), 1\58736a0.epl(128), 1\58732a0.epl(128), 1\58741a0.epl(128), 1\58737a0.epl(128), 1\58742a0.epl(128), 1\58738a0.epl(128), 1\58743a0.epl(128), 1\58739a0.epl(128), 1\58744a0.epl(128), 1\58740a0.epl(128), 1\58749a0.epl(128), 1\58745a0.epl(128), 1\58750a0.epl(128), 1\58746a0.epl(128), 1\58751a0.epl(128), 1\58747a0.epl(128), 1\58752a0.epl(128), 1\58748a0.epl(128), 1\58757a0.epl(128), 1\58753a0.epl(128), 1\58758a0.epl(128), 1\58754a0.epl(128), 1\58759a0.epl(128), 1\58755a0.epl(128), 1\58760a0.epl(128), 1\58756a0.epl(128)


ID: 376560
Support AS4
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 1\58546_0.pci(4), 1\58546a0.epl(123)
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