
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement * 14/12/2022 6 MB EXE AS4_HW_X20SL8100.exe
Description V4.0 HW Upgrade (X20SL8100)

Revision information X20SL8100


ID: 761250 / Support ID: 400390430
Incorrect product name in SDM
Incorrect product names "X20SL8100" / "X20SL8101" where shown as "Plugged" instead of "X20cSL8100" / "X20cSL8101" in System Diagnostics Manager.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 759195
Loss of remote connection
Certain conditions lead to loss of remote connection after activating Setup Mode.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(314), 6\56673_1.fw(341)


ID: 730380
Error transmitting CPU to SL channels
If exactly 2 bytes of CPU to SL channels are used, transmission errors could occurred.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 724375
sporadic communication problem
In rare cases logger number 122911 and/or wrong values in status request (e.g. SafeRemoteControl_V2 state 8192) could occour sporadically.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 750135 / Support ID: 400377812
storing of remanent data improved
Storing remanent data will be retried in case a problem is detected.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(314), 6\56673_1.fw(340)


ID: 712660
POWERLINK Security Vulnerability (CVE-2020-13987 & CVE-2020-17438)
POWERLINK Security Vulnerability (CVE-2020-13987)
The POWERLINK IP stack was affected by a security vulnerability impacting the checksum calculation of TCP/UDP packets.

POWERLINK Security Vulnerability (CVE-2020-17438)
The POWERLINK IP stack was affected by a security vulnerability impacting fragmented packet reassembly
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 704875 / Support ID: 400339461 400341352
Optimization of the internal communication between uPC and uPS
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 656935 / Support ID: 400296597 400342594
Optimization of the internal communication timing between uPC and uPS
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(314), 6\56673_1.fw(338)


ID: 699515
Support for automatic DNA configuration from AS 4.9.1
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(314), 6\56673_1.fw(337)


ID: 691960 / Support ID: 400299371
Loss of safety connection
Loss of safety connection, even though the parametrized "safe data duration" is longer than the network failure
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(314), 6\56673_1.fw(337)


ID: 671935 / Support ID: 400282401
Incorrect length check when enabling POWERLINK mapping of additional node number (abort code 0x6040042, logger message 30287).
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 671330
Adaptations for Automation Studio 4.8
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(314), 6\56673_1.fw(336)


ID: 562240 / Support ID: 400250175
data sheet: parameter "Process Data Transmission Rate"
Parameter "Process Data Transmission Rate" added.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 612405 / Support ID: 400264397
data sheet: NoExecution
Enhace documentation for the case that SafeLOGIC is stuck in NoExecution state.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 622100 / Support ID: 400267582
data sheet: ENTER LED
Enhaced description of ENTER LED.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 626165
data sheet V1.141
See chapture "Version history" in the data sheet.
i.a. calculation of Safety response time has been updated.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 633290 / Support ID: 400278693
data sheet: Default Additional Tolerated Packet Loss
Correction of permitted values in the data sheet.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(314), 6\56673_1.fw(331)


ID: 592175 / Support ID: 400229368
Improved support for multiple ASnd
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 611750
reACTION modules at X20(c)SL8101
Fixed problems with reACTION modules at X20(c)SL8101.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 613365 / Support ID: 400257250
logger entry 122913
Logger entry 122913 could happen sporadically with large projects.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 613680
logger number 102661 "No TX-buffer available"
Logger number 102661 occoured upon multiple reading of several diagnostic values.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(314), 6\56673_1.fw(331)


ID: 576490
diagnostic values
Additional diagnostic values (PLK objects 0x2410 / 44 .. 51). See data sheet for details.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 581805 / Support ID: 400244943
Update of the HWX entry "IOImage" for special targets.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 582470 / Support ID: 400245519, 400247280
empty "Connected SafeLOGIC modules"
No "Connected SafeLOGIC modules" could be defined if a combination of Automation Studio 4.3.4 (or higher), Safety Release 1.10 and Automatin Runtime < A4.33 was used.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 583985 / Support ID: 400245371
X20SL8110: Improved internal packet handling for the X20IF10E3-1
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 585365
X20SL8101 sometimes causing collisions in POWERLINK.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(314), 6\56673_1.fw(329)


ID: 538335
Displayed number of missing modules in combination with Setup Mode
The number of missing modules was not shown correctly in Remote Control if Setup Mode has been active.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 553415 / Support ID: 400224814
failsafe during bootup
Large projects could lead to failsafe state during bootup with logger messages 98560, 101123,103427 and 114849.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 555985
extended operating temperature range
Firmware preparation for hardware revisions that allow operating temperature range down to -40°C.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(314), 6\56673_1.fw(327)


ID: 458360 / Support ID: 400232587
logger messages 101123, 101124 und 105219
It could happen sporadically that the SafeLOGIC entered failsafe state (logger messages 101123, 101124 und 105219) due to asynchronous communication problems.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 536290
new password request after bootup failure
If the SafeLOGIC entered failsafe state during bootup (e.g. due to a missing machine options file) it could happen (usually in combination with setup mode) that a new password was requested.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 536395
Setup Mode and External Machine Options
"Activate Setup Mode on empty SafeKEY"="Yes-ATTENTION" could not be used at the same time as "ExternalMachineOptions"="Yes-ATTENTION".
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 545295
CPU<->SL channels after Blackout Mode
Values of CPU&lt;-&gt;SL channels where unstable for a short time after Blackout Mode.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 545460
max. number of SL-to-SL connections
The maximum number of SL-to-SL connections (SDG instances) has been increased from 10 to 20 for X20(c)SL8101 and X20SL8110 (requires AR C4.34 and AS 4.3.4).
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 549920
issue firmware update
Firmware update was aborted if it took too long.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 551800 / Support ID: 400226465
Error in small netX configurations
In small netX configurations (smaller than the MTU configured in POWERLINK), it was not possible to transfer the configuration.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 554330
diagnostic data
Additional diagnostic data is available via Powerlink objects (object indices 0x24xx - see manual for details)
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 559705 / Support ID: 400232525
ethernet link issue X20(c)SL8101
It could happen sporadically that one or both ethernet ports failed to link (X20(c)SL8101 only).
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(314), 6\56673_1.fw(326)


ID: 520250 / Support ID: 400209769
Correct handling of intial timer value
The initial timer value for the 40 bit counter is handled properly, if the device verification is repeated without the device changing its operational status.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 525805 / Support ID: 400217017
internal errors during bootup
With some applications it could happen sporadically that the SafeLOGIC entered safe state during bootup with logger entries 99331, 103427, 103433 and 118798.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 526500 / Support ID: 400209769
Correct handling of intial timer value
The initial timer value for the 40 bit counter is handled properly, if the device verification is repeated without the device changing its operational status.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 527775 / Support ID: 400209769
increased tolerance against asynchronous communication problems
Problems in asynchronous communication to safety modules now cause the modules to be rated as "missing" not until the "Node Guarding Timeout" has expired (instead of after a few seconds)
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 528145
logger messages with wrong timestemp
Logger messages with wrong time stamp where generated under certain circumstances.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 529450 / Support ID: 400216364, 400215364
logger message 114542 with high cycle times
SafeLOGIC entered safe state during bootup when using high cycle times and large projects (logger message 114542)
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(313), 6\56673_1.fw(325)


ID: 526640
Online Help V1.111
Fixed links in online help.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 533830
Issues with mixed installation of SL upgrades
There are problems when individual X20(c)SL81xx use upgrade V1.10.2.0 but other SLs use a different version (like V1.10.1.0 or V1.10.2.2).
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(313), 6\56673_1.fw(324)


ID: 487430
X2X status data points X20(c)SL8101
Add status data points for local X2X of X20(c)SL8101 (equal to EPL bus controller)
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 501955
Setup Mode
Setup Mode is supported
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 509155
maximum number of CNs (X20(c)SL8101 only)
Increased the maximum number of EPL-CNs for data exchange with X20(c)SL8101 to 100.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 514110 / Support ID: 400206917
value range "Pakets per Node Guarding"
Big values of parameter "Default Pakets per Node Guarding" lead to failsafe by mistake (logger entries 110370 and 114466)
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 516140 / Support ID: 400206427
State display in Remote Control adapted to SafePLC-Window
State display in Remote Control adapted to SafePLC-Window if the SafeLOGIC is in failsafe state
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 517155 / Support ID: 400205694
safety modules not switching to operational state
SDO streaming connection via UDP is not always established when PLC and SafeLogic are booted together.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 517570
channel for safety firmware version
Add channel to read out the version of the safety firmware
Channel description changed: Yes
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 517580 / Support ID: 400211782
more than 100 safety modules in Automation Studio project (X20(c)SL8101 only)
X20(c)SL8101 allows Automation Studio projects with up to 300 safety modules. But only a maximum of 100 safety modules may be enabled in Automation Studio.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 517995
Manual V1.111
Update help to manual V1.111
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No

ID: 522210
Safety Release 1.9: update of not safety relevant software parts
Various minor enhacements in not safety relevant software parts (EPL stack) for Safety Release 1.9 (safety firmware unchanged).
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(313), 6\56673_1.fw(324)


ID: 310480 / Support ID: 400099013
hourly logger entries due to missing optional modules
Incorrect openSAFETY frames are not counted for optional modules anymore.
Therefore no more hourly logger entries (110432 und 110433) are generated if an optional module is missing.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 370160
Deleting reloaded "user data" is incomplete.
Deleting reloaded "user data" (command safeCMD_CLEAR_DATA) didn't delete reloadable parameters (AsSafety safeDownloadData().Type=safeDATA_TYPE_ADDPARA).
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 370800
new check for "External Startup Flags"
If parameter "External Startup Flags" is activated, a check for the required data (AsSafety safeDownloadData().Type=safeDATA_TYPE_MAOP) is done during bootup.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 436950 / Support ID: 400156800, 400156688
Project download at high cycle time
Fixed a problem when downloading big projects at high cycle times via PLCinfo dialog.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 457885
double logger message upon module exchange
Acknowledging a module exchange via remote control sometimes produced two logger messages 114827 (instead of one).
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 472915
parameter "Cycle Time max"
Removed obsolete parameter "Cycle Time max"
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 477980 / Support ID: 400185835
X20SL8101 change of POWERLINK Mapping at runtime not possible
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 502390
SL restart after acknowledgments
SafeLOGIC does not restart anymore after acknowledgment of SafeKEY or firmware exchange.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 502420
Compatibility handling for SL2SL communication
Support "Compatibility handling for SL2SL communication" of SafeDESIGNER V4.2.2
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(312), 6\56673_1.fw(322)


ID: 296887 / Support ID: 400090983
"SafeKEYChanged" was 1 by mistake
During bootup it could happen that the data point "SafeKEYChanged" (structure RemoteControlStatusTypeV1 of library AsSafety) was 1 by mistake for 1 or 2 cycles.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 353450
logger messages with wrong timestemp
Logger messages with wrong time stamp where generated under certain circumstances.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 395430
Support of release 1.10 including openSAFETY 1.5
Support of release 1.10 including openSAFETY 1.5 with easier parametrization of timing parameters
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 415250
duration firmware update
Duration of a firmware update could be reduced.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 422805 / Support ID: 400150377
message 122908 although everything is ok
Logger message 122908 was generated twice upon each startup although everything has been ok.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 453125
Update POWERLINK stack
Update of the included POWERLINK stack which implies some fixes and enhacements.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 463455
Memory for application files increased
The memory for application files was increased, therefore it is possible to run bigger projects
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 473105
Help Updated
Use the latest help version 1.101
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(312), 6\56673_1.fw(320)


ID: 432540
Memory for application files increased
The memory for application files was increased, therefore it is possible to run bigger projects
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(311)


ID: 423080 / Support ID: 400154659
issues after variable monitoring over a long time
Having SafeDESIGNER variable monitoring activated over a long period of time (about 10 minutes or more) could lead to various communication issues in certain projects.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 427035 / Support ID: 400147824
cross communication error with certain projects
With certain projects it could happen that the SafeLOGIC entered failsafe state due to cross communication error shortly after bootup (whereat a dependency to the number of safety modules in the project could be found).
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(310)


ID: 431995
internal changes of module description
internal changes of module description
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(308)


ID: 400030
table types
requires Safety Release 1.9:
new table types A, T, U, V, W; type R removed
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: Yes
Firmware changed: No

ID: 412875
User Manual V1.80
User Manual V1.80
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: No
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(308)


ID: 329610 / Support ID: 0
enhaced behaviour in case of CPU redundancy switch
enhaced behaviour in case of CPU redundancy switch
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 369090
CPU<->SL channels not working if no SafeI/O module used
CPU&lt;-&gt;SL channels didn't work properly if no SafeI/O module was used in the project.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 382255 / Support ID: 400136372
logger message 110432 is entered too frequently
Logger message 110432 ("counter of invalid safety frames has increased") has been gererated too frequently (not only once an hour) if the counter of invalid safety frames permanently changed (e.g. due to a missing module).
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 387705 / Support ID: 400136118
problems with certain projects with many CPU<->SL channels
Several problems where faced using a certain project with many CPU&lt;-&gt;SL channels (logger messages 122892, 122893, 69659, 99330)
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 388220
stuck in PreOp2 during bootup
It could happen sporadically that the SafeLOGIC got stuck in EPL state PreOp2 during bootup (double flash of STATUS LED)
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 388600 / Support ID: 400135568
problems after trying to access a not existing EPL object
In rare cases the SafeLOGIC got stuck during bootup without logger message if the functional CPU calls EplSDORead for a not existing object.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 394840
SafeI/O modules stuck in PreOp state after AR restart
It could happen sporadically that SafeI/O modules where stuck in PreOp after only AutomationRuntime (not SafeLOGIC) had been restarted.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 398270 / Support ID: 400140507
logger message 122908 shall be generated only once for modules that are missing in AS configuration
Logger message 122908 ("error asynchronous communication") is generated only once after startup for modules that are missing in the hardware configuration of AutomationStudio.
This only applies for projects where hardware configurations of AutomationStudio and SafeDESIGNER do not match exactly.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 399675 / Support ID: 400141293
application download via remote control or AsSafety library not possible
Application download via remote control or AsSafety library did not work for some applications.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(308)


ID: 329610 / Support ID: 0
enhaced behaviour in case of CPU redundancy switch
enhaced behaviour in case of CPU redundancy switch
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 369090
CPU<->SL channels not working if no SafeI/O module used
CPU&lt;-&gt;SL channels didn't work properly if no SafeI/O module was used in the project.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 382255 / Support ID: 400136372
logger message 110432 is entered too frequently
Logger message 110432 ("counter of invalid safety frames has increased") has been gererated too frequently (not only once an hour) if the counter of invalid safety frames permanently changed (e.g. due to a missing module).
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 387705 / Support ID: 400136118
problems with certain projects with many CPU<->SL channels
Several problems where faced using a certain project with many CPU&lt;-&gt;SL channels (logger messages 122892, 122893, 69659, 99330)
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 388220
stuck in PreOp2 during bootup
It could happen sporadically that the SafeLOGIC got stuck in EPL state PreOp2 during bootup (double flash of STATUS LED)
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 388600 / Support ID: 400135568
problems after trying to access a not existing EPL object
In rare cases the SafeLOGIC got stuck during bootup without logger message if the functional CPU calls EplSDORead for a not existing object.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 394840
SafeI/O modules stuck in PreOp state after AR restart
It could happen sporadically that SafeI/O modules where stuck in PreOp after only AutomationRuntime (not SafeLOGIC) had been restarted.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 398270 / Support ID: 400140507
logger message 122908 shall be generated only once for modules that are missing in AS configuration
Logger message 122908 ("error asynchronous communication") is generated only once after startup for modules that are missing in the hardware configuration of AutomationStudio.
This only applies for projects where hardware configurations of AutomationStudio and SafeDESIGNER do not match exactly.
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(306)


ID: 369450
logger message "Cross communication error" only
It could happen sporadically that the SafeLOGIC entered failsafe state after a longer period of operation and the only logger message generated was "Cross communication error" (99331 / 103427)
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes

ID: 375660
99342 / 103438 "Upper cycle time violation"
logger messages 99342 / 103438 "Upper cycle time violation" could happen by mistake after a longer time of operation with an Info1 value like 0x8000xxxx (xxxx = actual cycle time).
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(306)


ID: 357430
SL stuck in SCAN when using NotPresent flags
SafeLOGIC got stuck in SCAN state when using SAGECOT_FLAGS_V1_TYP.NotPresent (FBK safeDownloadData() of AsSafety-Library)
Channel description changed: No
Configuration description changed: No
Firmware changed: Yes
Firmware: 5\56673_1.fw(303)
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