APC910 Firmware Upgrade (MTCX, SDLT, SDL3T, SDL4T)


Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement
1.32 * 16/01/2023 4 MB ZIP UPG_APC910_MTCX_V0132_EFI.zip
Description APC910 Firmware Upgrade (MTCX, SDLT, SDL3T, SDL4T)

for EFI

ATTENTION! Possible upgrade problems and version dependency

1. Do not reset or switch off the device during the upgrade
process !!!

2. If a UPS is connected to the system, the battery unit must be
disconnected or the Power button must be pressed (to set the
system in standby mode) after the upgrade of the MTCX is done,
but before the required Power Off/On is done. Otherwise the
firmware upgrade is not complete, because the UPS will provide
the system with power.

3. When upgrading SDL4 components, no CAN IF option
(5AC901.ICAN-00 or 5AC901.ICAN-01) is allowed to be plugged.

4. A Extended upgrade for the SDL4T Firmware is only necessary if
an SDL4T firmware less than V01.00 is installed.

5. Starting with SDL4T Firmware V01.00, a downgrade to a version
smaller then V01.00 is not possible.

6. Starting with SDL4T Firmware V01.00, a Automation Panel
Firmware update for the SDL4R Firmware at least from V06.14
and HDBT Firmware at least from V01.00 is necessary.

Version 01.32 / 11/07/2022 / MIK !MANDATORY UPDATE!

LIESMICH.txt 01.32 NEW
README.txt 01.32 NEW
STARTUP.nsh 01.32 NEW
MTCXAPC910.nsh 01.24
SDLTAPC910.nsh 01.28
MTCXSVC.efi 19.52
55002_0.fw 01.32
55002_0.fw 01.32
55363_0.fw 01.32
55364_0.fw 01.32
55379_0.fp (SDLT) 00.09
58368_0.fp (SDL3T) 00.19
60622_0.fp (SDL4T) 01.04 NEW
60622i0.fp (SDL4TExt.) 01.04 NEW


60622_0.fp (FPGA FW f. 5AC901.LSD4-00):
- Updated HDBASET2 FW: A RFID reader was not recognized
sporadically during a PowerOn using ARemb. After a warm
start this behaviour could not be observed in ARemb.
Also under GPOS operating systems, such as Windows 10
this behaviour could not be observed.

60622i0.fp (Extended FPGA FW f. 5AC901.LSD4-00):
- Updated HDBASET2 FW: A RFID reader was not recognized
sporadically during a PowerOn using ARemb. After a warm
start this behaviour could not be observed in ARemb.
Also under GPOS operating systems, such as Windows 10
this behaviour could not be observed.
This upgrade is only necessary if an SDL4T firmware less than
V01.00 is installed.
Do not reset or switch off the device during the upgrade

Possible upgrade problems and version dependency, see above.
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement
1.31 * 05/10/2022 4 MB ZIP UPG_APC910_MTCX_V0131_EFI.zip
Description APC910 Firmware Upgrade (MTCX, SDLT, SDL3T, SDL4T)

for EFI

ATTENTION! Possible upgrade problems and version dependency

1. Do not reset or switch off the device during the upgrade
process !!!

2. If a UPS is connected to the system, the battery unit must be
disconnected or the Power button must be pressed (to set the
system in standby mode) after the upgrade of the MTCX is done,
but before the required Power Off/On is done. Otherwise the
firmware upgrade is not complete, because the UPS will provide
the system with power.

3. A Extended upgrade for the SDL4T Firmware is only necessary if
an SDL4T firmware less than V01.00 is installed.

4. Starting with SDL4T Firmware V01.00, a downgrade to a version
smaller then V01.00 is not possible.

5. Starting with SDL4T Firmware V01.00, a Automation Panel
Firmware update for the SDL4R Firmware at least from V06.14
and HDBT Firmware at least from V01.00 is necessary.

Version 01.31 / 08/19/2022 / MIK !MANDATORY UPDATE!

LIESMICH.txt 01.31 NEW
README.txt 01.31 NEW
STARTUP.nsh 01.24
MTCXAPC910.nsh 01.24
SDLTAPC910.nsh 01.28
MTCXSVC.efi 19.52
55002_0.fw 01.32 NEW
55002_0.fw 01.32 NEW
55363_0.fw 01.32 NEW
55364_0.fw 01.32 NEW
55379_0.fp (SDLT) 00.09
58368_0.fp (SDL3T) 00.19
60622_0.fp (SDL4T) 01.02
60622i0.fp (SDL4TExt.) 01.02


55002_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX01-00):
- Optimized internal power supply.

55003_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX02-00):
- Optimized internal power supply.

55363_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX03-00):
- Optimized internal power supply.

55364_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX05-00):
- Optimized internal power supply.

Possible upgrade problems and version dependency, see above.
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement
1.30 * 13/06/2022 4 MB ZIP UPG_APC910_MTCX_V0130_EFI.zip
Description APC910 Firmware Upgrade (MTCX, SDLT, SDL3T, SDL4T)

for EFI

ATTENTION! Possible upgrade problems and version dependency

1. Do not reset or switch off the device during the upgrade
process !!!

2. If a UPS is connected to the system, the battery unit must be
disconnected or the Power button must be pressed (to set the
system in standby mode) after the upgrade of the MTCX is done,
but before the required Power Off/On is done. Otherwise the
firmware upgrade is not complete, because the UPS will provide
the system with power.

3. A Extended upgrade for the SDL4T Firmware is only necessary if
an SDL4T firmware less than V01.00 is installed.

4. Starting with SDL4T Firmware V01.00, a downgrade to a version
smaller then V01.00 is not possible.

5. Starting with SDL4T Firmware V01.00, a Automation Panel
Firmware update for the SDL4R Firmware at least from V06.14
and HDBT Firmware at least from V01.00 is necessary.

Version 01.30 / 03/24/2022 / MIK !MANDATORY UPDATE!

LIESMICH.txt 01.30 NEW
README.txt 01.30 NEW
STARTUP.nsh 01.24
MTCXAPC910.nsh 01.24
SDLTAPC910.nsh 01.28
MTCXSVC.efi 19.52 NEW
55002_0.fw 01.31 NEW
55002_0.fw 01.31 NEW
55363_0.fw 01.31 NEW
55364_0.fw 01.31 NEW
55379_0.fp (SDLT) 00.09
58368_0.fp (SDL3T) 00.19
60622_0.fp (SDL4T) 01.02
60622i0.fp (SDL4TExt.) 01.02


55002_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX01-00):
- Optimization of the SDL interface in combination with DVI

55003_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX02-00):
- Optimization of the SDL interface in combination with DVI

55363_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX03-00):
- Optimization of the SDL interface in combination with DVI

55364_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX05-00):
- Optimization of the SDL interface in combination with DVI

- Minor optimizations and bug fixes.

Possible upgrade problems and version dependency, see above.
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement
1.29 * 08/06/2021 4 MB ZIP UPG_APC910_MTCX_V0129_EFI.zip
Description APC910 Firmware Upgrade (MTCX, SDLT, SDL3T, SDL4T)

for EFI

ATTENTION! Possible upgrade problems and version dependency

1. Do not reset or switch off the device during the upgrade
process !!!

2. If a UPS is connected to the system, the battery unit must be
disconnected or the Power button must be pressed (to set the
system in standby mode) after the upgrade of the MTCX is done,
but before the required Power Off/On is done. Otherwise the
firmware upgrade is not complete, because the UPS will provide
the system with power.

3. A Extended upgrade for the SDL4T Firmware is only necessary if
an SDL4T firmware less than V01.00 is installed.

4. Starting with SDL4T Firmware V01.00, a downgrade to a version
smaller then V01.00 is not possible.

5. Starting with SDL4T Firmware V01.00, a Automation Panel
Firmware update for the SDL4R Firmware at least from V06.14
and HDBT Firmware at least from V01.00 is necessary.

Version 01.29 / 02/08/2021 / MIK !MANDATORY UPDATE!

LIESMICH.txt 01.29 NEW
README.txt 01.29 NEW
STARTUP.nsh 01.24
MTCXAPC910.nsh 01.24
SDLTAPC910.nsh 01.28
MTCXSVC.efi 19.40
55002_0.fw 01.27
55002_0.fw 01.27
55363_0.fw 01.27
55364_0.fw 01.27
55379_0.fp (SDLT) 00.09
58368_0.fp (SDL3T) 00.19
60622_0.fp (SDL4T) 01.02 NEW
60622i0.fp (SDL4TExt.) 01.02 NEW


60622_0.fp (FPGA FW f. 5AC901.LSD4-00):
- Updated HDBASET2 FW: USB communication in combination with
USB 3.0 devices optimized.

60622i0.fp (Extended FPGA FW f. 5AC901.LSD4-00):
- Updated HDBASET2 FW: USB communication in combination with
USB 3.0 devices optimized.
This upgrade is only necessary if an SDL4T firmware less than
V01.00 is installed.
Do not reset or switch off the device during the upgrade

Possible upgrade problems and version dependency, see above.
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement
1.28 * 17/09/2020 4 MB ZIP UPG_APC910_MTCX_V0128_EFI.zip
Description APC910 Firmware Upgrade (MTCX, SDLT, SDL3T, SDL4T)

for EFI

ATTENTION! Possible upgrade problems and version dependency

1. Do not reset or switch off the device during the upgrade
process !!!

2. If a UPS is connected to the system, the battery unit must be
disconnected or the Power button must be pressed (to set the
system in standby mode) after the upgrade of the MTCX is done,
but before the required Power Off/On is done. Otherwise the
firmware upgrade is not complete, because the UPS will provide
the system with power.

Version 01.27 / 05/20/2019 / MIK !MANDATORY UPDATE!

LIESMICH.txt 01.27 NEW
README.txt 01.27 NEW
STARTUP.nsh 01.24
MTCXAPC910.nsh 01.24
SDLTAPC910.nsh 01.24
MTCXSVC.efi 17.43
55002_0.fw 01.27 NEW
55002_0.fw 01.27 NEW
55364_0.fw 01.27 NEW
55379_0.fp (SDLT) 00.08
58368_0.fp (SDL3T) 00.19
60622_0.fp (SDL4T) 00.04


55002_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX01-00):
- Optimized internal keyboard syncronization.
- Optimized internal power supply syncronization.

55003_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX02-00):
- Optimized internal keyboard syncronization.
- Optimized internal power supply syncronization.

55364_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX05-00):
- Optimized internal keyboard syncronization.
- Optimized internal power supply syncronization.

Possible upgrade problems and version dependency, see above.
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement
1.27 * 09/08/2019 2 MB ZIP UPG_APC910_MTCX_V0127_EFI.zip
Description APC910 Firmware Upgrade (MTCX, SDLT, SDL3T, SDL4T)

for EFI

ATTENTION! Possible upgrade problems and version dependency

1. Do not reset or switch off the device during the upgrade
process !!!

2. If a UPS is connected to the system, the battery unit must be
disconnected or the Power button must be pressed (to set the
system in standby mode) after the upgrade of the MTCX is done,
but before the required Power Off/On is done. Otherwise the
firmware upgrade is not complete, because the UPS will provide
the system with power.

Version 01.27 / 05/20/2019 / MIK !MANDATORY UPDATE!

LIESMICH.txt 01.27 NEW
README.txt 01.27 NEW
STARTUP.nsh 01.24
MTCXAPC910.nsh 01.24
SDLTAPC910.nsh 01.24
MTCXSVC.efi 17.43
55002_0.fw 01.27 NEW
55002_0.fw 01.27 NEW
55364_0.fw 01.27 NEW
55379_0.fp (SDLT) 00.08
58368_0.fp (SDL3T) 00.19
60622_0.fp (SDL4T) 00.04


55002_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX01-00):
- Optimized internal keyboard syncronization.
- Optimized internal power supply syncronization.

55003_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX02-00):
- Optimized internal keyboard syncronization.
- Optimized internal power supply syncronization.

55364_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX05-00):
- Optimized internal keyboard syncronization.
- Optimized internal power supply syncronization.

Possible upgrade problems and version dependency, see above.
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement
1.26 * 14/12/2018 2 MB ZIP UPG_APC910_MTCX_V0126_EFI.zip
Description APC910 Firmware Upgrade (MTCX, SDLT, SDL3T, SDL4T)

for EFI

ATTENTION! Possible upgrade problems and version dependency

1. Do not reset or switch off the device during the upgrade
process !!!

2. If a UPS is connected to the system, the battery unit must be
disconnected or the Power button must be pressed (to set the
system in standby mode) after the upgrade of the MTCX is
done, but before the required Power Off/On is done. Otherwise
the firmware upgrade is not complete, because the UPS will
provide the system with power.

Version 01.26 / 07/23/2018 / MIK !MANDATORY UPDATE!

LIESMICH.txt 01.26 NEW
README.txt 01.26 NEW
STARTUP.nsh 01.24
MTCXAPC910.nsh 01.24
SDLTAPC910.nsh 01.24
MTCXSVC.efi 17.43 NEW
55002_0.fw 01.25 NEW
55002_0.fw 01.25 NEW
55364_0.fw 01.25 NEW
55379_0.fp (SDLT) 00.08 NEW
58368_0.fp (SDL3T) 00.19
60622_0.fp (SDL4T) 00.04


55002_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX01-00):
- Support for IF option 5AC901.I232-00 implemented.
- Enhancements for B&R Hypervisor.

55003_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX02-00):
- Support for IF option 5AC901.I232-00 implemented.
- Enhancements for B&R Hypervisor.

55364_0.fw (MTCX f. 5PC910.SX05-00):
- Support for IF option 5AC901.I232-00 implemented.
- Enhancements for B&R Hypervisor.

55379.fp (FPGA FW f. 5AC901.LSDL-00):
- Bugfix: secure FW update. In very rare cases a faulty or
uncomplete FW update was shown falsely.

- Support for xPC2200 family.
- Support for SDL4 converter.

Possible upgrade problems and version dependency, see above.
Version Langue
Système d'exploitation
Type Téléchargement
1.25 * 23/05/2018 2 MB ZIP UPG_APC910_MTCX_V0125_EFI.zip
Description APC910 Firmware Upgrade (MTCX, SDLT, SDL3T, SDL4T)


ATTENTION! Possible upgrade problems and version dependency

1. Do not reset or switch off the device during the upgrade
process !!!

2. If a UPS is connected to the system, the battery unit must be
disconnected or the Power button must be pressed (to set the
system in standby mode) after the upgrade of the MTCX is done,
but before the required Power Off/On is done. Otherwise the
firmware upgrade is not complete, because the UPS will provide
the system with power.

Version 01.25 / 04/26/2018 / MIK !MANDATORY UPDATE!

LIESMICH.txt 01.25 NEW
README.txt 01.25 NEW
STARTUP.nsh 01.24
MTCXAPC910.nsh 01.24
SDLTAPC910.nsh 01.24
MTCXSVC.efi 16.10
55002_0.fw 01.24
55002_0.fw 01.24
55364_0.fw 01.24
55379_0.fp (SDLT) 00.07
58368_0.fp (SDL3T) 00.19 NEW
60622_0.fp (SDL4T) 00.04 NEW


58368.fp (FPGA FW f. 5AC901.LSD3-00):
- Bugfix: SDL3 communication.
In very rare cases a problem occured during poweron, that the
SDL3 communication is not stable.

60622.fp (FPGA FW f. 5AC901.LSD4-00):
- Updated HDBASET2 FW.

Possible upgrade problems and version dependency, see above.
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