Référence produit Description
X67AI1223 X67 analog input module, 4 inputs, ±10 V, 12-bit converter resolution, configurable input filter open circuit detection
X67AI1233 X67 analog input module, 4 inputs, ±10 V, 16-bit converter resolution, configurable input filter open circuit detection
X67AI1323 X67 analog input module, 4 inputs, 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA, 12-bit converter resolution, configurable input filter
X67AI1333 X67 analog input module, 4 inputs, 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA, 16-bit converter resolution, configurable input filter
X67AI2744 X67 analog input module, 2 full-bridge strain gauge inputs, 10 V, 24-bit converter resolution
X67AI4850 X67 analog input module, 4 Inputs, potentiometer displacement gauge 15-bit
X67AM1223 X67 analog mixed module, 2 inputs, 2 outputs, ±10 V, 12-bit converter resolution, configurable input filter, open-circuit detection for inputs
X67AM1323 X67 analog mixed module, 2 inputs, 2 outputs 0 to 20 mA, 12-bit converter resolution, configurable input filter
X67UM1352 X67 universal mixed module, 1 input for evaluating full-bridge strain gauge, 24-bit, 4 digital inputs 24 VDC, sink, 1 digital output, 0.5 A, source, 1 digital output, 1 A, source

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