Automation Studio is used to configure and program all B&R controller components. Core issues such as getting a clear overview of all product groups, initial commissioning of a controller, understanding the functions of the runtime environment and being familiar with the options for integrated configuration and diagnostics are decisive.
This lesson is the prerequisite for many follow-up seminars.
All exercises are performed in an Automation Runtime Simulation (ArSim). Use of an ETA Light System (ETAL210.1050-1 with accessories) is an advantage.
Learning objectives and content
- B&R philosophy and products
- Using Automation Studio
- Using the integrated help documentation
- Establishing an online connection to the control system
- Initial installation of a controller
- Project engineering for the hardware configuration
- Working with the text and table editors
- Functions and options in Automation RuntimeTheAutomation Runtime is the operating system that runs on all B&R controllers.
- Configuration options in Automation Runtime
- Runtime and startup behavior of the controller
- Use of the integrated diagnostics options
- Working with Ladder Diagram and Structured Text (ST)
Responsibilities include
- Participants create projects and configure control components.
- Participants create programs for automation applications.
- Participants simulate processes and then put them into operation.
- Participants perform diagnostics on control components and programs.