The new Convoy function makes it possible to group shuttles together and control them as a unit. Movement processes can be programmed once for the whole group rather than individually. This speeds up implementation and simplifies shuttle handling throughout the ACOPOStrak system.
The ACOPOStrak software supports process-oriented programming. The programmer defines rules that control the flow of products on the track. This way, shuttle movements can be implemented with automatic collision avoidance around the entire track. With deadlock prevention, the firmware ensures that shuttles continue running smoothly without becoming jammed.
Easy handling with convoys
The new Convoy function makes it possible to control any number of shuttles as if they were a single, coherent unit – like a convoy of vehicles. This enables the programmer to better plan and control the route without errors, as potential hazards, such as traffic jams, are identified. This ensures a smooth production flow and improves handling all around.
High added value in practice
The positions of individual shuttles in a convoy can be changed. Their movement profiles can be adapted individually to accommodate different requirements, for example in packaging and filling applications. Production becomes more efficient. The shuttles' ability to move backwards can be used to create a jogging movement. When moving forward, multiple shuttle movements can also be superimposed to achieve the same effect. This eliminates the need for a separate vibrating station for compacting bulk material, and the space can be used for other purposes. And since the vibration process no longer has to be completed within a certain cycle time, it can be implemented more gently and/or more effectively. Users can implement different movement profiles and custom vibration functions with different frequencies and amplitudes.
Ticketing system sets priorities
A new ticketing system provides the necessary traffic logic. This is key to ensuring shuttles are able to follow their routes through the track system smoothly and efficiently. Within the software, each shuttle is prioritized with a ticket that defines the order and right of way for shuttles and convoys. This prevents collisions and conflicts and keeps production flowing unimpeded.
- Highlights
- Faster implementation, simplified shuttle handling
- Customizable movement profiles
- Smooth and efficient traffic control with new ticketing system